Video gear I use

Microphone: I use a fairly inexpensive clip-on microphone to record my videos. It is fairly crisp and is compatible with laptops and mobile phones with a 3.5mm port.
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Graphic Tablet: I love this graphic tablet, it is easy to use and compact. It comes with a nice pouch as well. I also use this to create art on a free software called GNU GIMP.
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Other Video gear I recommend:

Better Microphone : If you have a slightly bigger budget, then I certainly recommend the Yeti USB microphone. It’s certainly superior to the BOYA one I have mentioned above.
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Pop Shield: It’s definitely also worth investing in a pop shield to get rid of pops and wind disturbances in your recording.
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Light Reflector: If you don’t have the budget to invest in lighting equipment it’s worth investing in a light reflector to utilise the natural light. I have a collapsible for photography and videography.
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Tutorial 4 | How to add Greek letters and symbols to a Plot

Short summary will be coming soon, but go ahead and download the code.

Find a list of all the Greek Notation and Symbols on this Matlab Page.

Laptop Gadgets

I don’t usually buy very expensive gadgets unless it’s really good. I am all about frugal engineering. I usually try to find fairly low budget items that can do exactly what expensive branded ones can do. So here is what I use:

I use a bluetooth wirless keyboard by Arteck. It’s a stainless steel sleek design that is compatible for IOS, Android and Windows. Sometimes I even connect to my phone to reply to messages faster.
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I also recommend another one, which is also cheaper and has 7 different backlight option as well (Looks really cool at night). I initially had this one, but returned it because it was little small for me (Only 247mm in width). However, this is actually a great portable keyboard and is compatible with IOS,Android and Windows.
Buy Now:

Wireless Mouse:
I use a fairly good looking wireless bluetooth mouse with two additional buttons on the side for moving back and forward on website. I am not a big fan of the scrolling button,  but for £11.99 on amazon, I cannot really complain.
Buy Now:

Tutorial 3 | How to animate a plot

Animating a plot in Matlab is very easy. Watch my tutorial below:

Tutorial 1 | How to change to a dark theme

Unfortunately Matlab doesn’t have an option to completely switch everything to a dark them with one click. However, we can do some manual tweaking to create a custom dark environment. So below are two screenshots showing you the colours you need to set up the same colour scheme I have shown you in my tutorial. The only custom colours that I am using (which i copied form Android Studio) are the following:

Background : 2B2B2B
Error Text : FC6462
Unterminated strings : FC6462

Every other colour apart from the above mentioned are available in your Matlab palette. You can also get the RGB code for all the colours using the tool I showed you in the tutorial from Enjoy!

Watch the Tutorial:

Tutorial 2 | How to Plot a Circle in Matlab

The parametric equation of a circle can be defined as follows:

xCoordinate = xCenter + Radius x Cos(theta)
yCoordinate = yCenter + Radius x Sin(theta)

Watch the tutorial:

Tutorial 7 | Difference between Vectors, Matrices & Arrays

1. Difference between Vectors,Matrices & Arrays

Figure 1: Difference sub-categories of an array

2. Array Operations (Addition,Multiplication)
If you add a number to an array, that number will be added to each element in the array. Same applied for multiplication, subtraction and division. For example:
m = [1 1 1];
m + 2 = [3 3 3];

Useful Links COVID

  1. Isolation Note from NHS for work. If you are self isolating due to symptoms or due to a family member showing symptoms, you can get a digital note to give to your employer by completing the application form in the link below:

  2. Check if you have symptoms using the following link from NHS:

  3. General advice on Covid 19 :

COVID Data & Analytics

World Wide Data
To keep up with the number of COVID 19 cases around the world, see the link below from Johns Hopkins University:

Screenshot of Corona Cases Global dashboard | Credit: Johns Hopkins University

UK Specific Data
For UK Specific data including number of cases recorded and deaths, use the link below from Public Health England.

Screenshot of UK Specific Corona Cases Dashboard | Credit: Public Health England

Latest App Designer Tutorial

Hi there, this is my first post on my website. I thought I will start by sharing my YouTube channel. You can find a link below or simply go to youtube and search “Benito Sebastian” in the search bar.

If you have any suggestions or ideas on what you might find interesting to read about, leave a comment below. Hope you will enjoy my tutorials. I would really appreciate some feedback and as always subscribe, like and share!